Water Quality Restoration Strategies

Phoslock® Phosphorus Locking Technology


Remove Phosphorus.
Restore Water Quality.

Abundant levels of phosphorus in water and sediments change the balance of an aquatic ecosystem and diminishes water quality. Even when outside sources of phosphorus have been captured by watershed management practices, the internal recycling of phosphorus in water-bodies can continue to reduce water quality.

Water Quality Restoration

Phoslock (lanthanum-modified clay) provides a superior technology to restart the eutrophication clock (aging process) of water-bodies by removing free reactive phosphorus (FRP) and restoring water quality. Phoslock allows water resource managers a new solution to reset the clock by precisely targeting and removing phosphorus elements.

Rapid and Permanent Phosphorus Removal

Phoslock has a high inclination to quickly bind and permanently remove FRP from the water column soon after application. As Phoslock plummets to the sediment-water interface, the lanthanum in Phoslock continues to bind FRP released from the sediment on its available site.

Effective in Variety of Waters

Phoslock is an environmentally adaptable and effective solution over a wide range of water chemistries in ponds, lakes and reservoirs. Phoslock programs require no barriers to protect water quality and aquatic life during and after application. The removal of phosphorus from the water by Phoslock is associated to lanthanum that binds to phosphate molecules and forms a highly stable immensely stable mineral LaP04.nH20 (Rhabdophane). This mineral conforms within the sediments and is not bio-available.

Restoration Solutions

Program design and implementation methods are based on site specific conditions such as; water quality limits, water quality management objective and phosphorus sources (internal and external).

Recovery Solution: Strategic process of phosphorus removal from the water column.
Reset Solution: Reset the trophic status of the water-body with targeted removal of phosphorus from water and sediment.

The Results

Significant reduction in concentrated phosphorus levels and water quality restoration. Phoslock is quickly arising as the new standard to remove phosphorus and restore water quality in ponds, lakes and reservoirs.

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